Monday, April 1, 2013

You Are Beautiful!

A forensic artist has a person whom he has never seen before describe themselves as  he draws them. He then has another person describe the prior subject. Look at the differences of how people see themselves and how others see  through their eyes. 

Do we all tend to see ourselves as the BEAUTIFUL child of God we are or do we have a warped version of ourselves.

Take today and celebrate you. The BEAUTIFUL YOU that you are. Feel the love that others have and know you are special.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sesame Street: Sings "What I Am"

                         WHO ARE YOU!
Dr. Seuss

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

Have you spotted any acts of kindness lately?

Or Is there kindness still going on, or have we become a world of instant gratification and selfishness???

Be on the lookout for ways to show kindness today.  You never know whose day you can make. Sometimes all it takes is a smile, or a hug or simple compliment. Make someones day today and look for those opportunities to help others. Plus your kindness is contagious and  I believe What comes around,  goes around. Do you want mean or selfishness coming your way or kindness. It really works!
Try it!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

this amused me. just thought I would share it with you. and if you're really cool (like me) you will know what they're spoofing on!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I am a Princess


                   Thought this was super cute and amazing and plus.....I LOVE DISNEY!!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Garage Sales

For this date you will go to a garage sale, thrift shop, or really anyplace that sales interesting/wacky stuff.

you each have $10 to find the weirdest/funniest thing.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Words to ponder

An old Cherokee proverb says:

A womans highest calling

is to lead a man to his soul;

so as to unite him with source.

A mans highest calling is to

protect woman so she is

free to walk

the earth unharmed.

-Cherokee Proverb

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!!