Friday, December 30, 2011

Photobooth Pro fun

New Years is a great time for some photo fun with all your friends, and what greater way to brighten up your pic and have even more fun and cherishable pictures than some cute and silly props!

All you need is...

  • a downloaded template of glasses, moustaches, hats, etc. You can download ours at the end of this page or google your item and use it as a template. Skies the limit...get creative!
  • Craft felt, foam sheet, cardstock or material
  • Skewers or other sticks found at the $1 store
  • Spray paint, craft paint, duct tape, ribbon or other item to add color to your stick
  • Scissors and glue of your choice. E6000, hot glue, elmers glue, gorilla glue just whatever you have
    #1. Paint your skewers. We placed ours in clay to dry

    #2 Once you have printed your template, cut out the moustache and lay it on your choice of material to use as your guide to cut out
#3. glue your stick to the back of your stache

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Quarterly Date

Get a roll of quarters (do you see the took me all of five very brilliant seconds to come up with it.... Yah I'm still smiling at my sheer brilliance) and see who can come up with the best and most creative item from the 25 cent machines.... possibly at the mall. winner gets to have the satisfaction of winning.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Last minute thrifty Christmas gift ideas

Tight budget, lots of friends and Christmas around the corner? Sounds like Mission Impossible.

Gift giving should be fun and not so stressful so here are a few ideas for last minuet, inexpensive thoughtful gift ideas to give to friends.

1. Affirmation Mirror- You will need a $1 store Mirror, stencils, stickers or magic markers and ribbon to match mirror. Choose a word you want the recipient to see daily when they look in the mirror. Then use the stickers, or use stencils with your magic markers and write the words you have chosen. Then tie the matching mirror and Walah! Cute, thoughtful idea that will make someone feel good every time they look in it. Words you can use for mirror are:
  • Kind
  • Strong
  • Beautiful
  • Lookin Good
  • You look might fine
  • Lookin Sharp
  • You're worth it
  • You can do it
  • Awesomeness
2. Mix CD- Pick some songs that have a personal meaning for both of you. They can be funny, sentimental or just plain fun. On the Cd cover put a picture of you and your friend and on the inside cover of your cd write a little something for each song telling why you chose it

3. Buy your friends favorite soda or candy bar and make a treasure hunt with little clues leading to where they can find it.

4. Make a dream catcher

5.Make Duct tape bows. Check out tipjunkie for how to make duct tape bows.
6. Make a paperbag album such as this
See how to make this cute album here. A different version of this could be to decorate a spiral  notebook cover.

7. A funny gag type gift could be some Christmas poops. It's candy with a fun little poem explaining what your baggie is. This is soooo  hilariaous. Check out the Santa poop. This is my favorite. Click here for the poems and candy to use.
8. How about at the $1 store you can buy a cute mug and fill it with your friends favorite candies and tie a cute ribbon with a nice little note.

9. Crazy socks. Wouldn't that be fun to give your friend some totally strange and crazy socks?

10. Make a mustache pillow case. Buy a pillow case from the store and then download a picture of a funny mustache, blow the picture up, cut it out and trace it on the pillowcase. Then use markers or paints and color it in. Then you have a cute mustache pillow.

Hope a few of these suggestions help. How about you, do you have any great ideas to share???


When you choose the company you keep, you choose the messages of life you will hear, which means you choose your future!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Awesome Date (One of....I don't know...many)

This seems like fun something to do as a date activity. Paint pottery, mugs, rocks, cups,the cheap slightly weird looking animals you get in the craft section at Wal-Mart. just get some of this kind of stuff together and paint it.

Keeping with this same theme(only slightly but mostly not really) have a date before hand or already have painted a picture on something you can break.
break this breakable object... (it looked pretty awesomely fun to do.)
Then assemble it like a puzzle and put it back together or make a mosaic.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Good - BYU's Divine Comedy

This video is HILARIOUS!! I swear i've gained some more abb muscles after watching this!

My favorite part is the toilet paper roll!

Check out more videos by Divine Comedy at

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Where's the Line to See Jesus

Love this song sung by Beckey Kelly a Christian singer. The song was inspired by her nephew who was waiting in the line to see Santa and asked where the line was to see Jesus. Then Beckeys father decided to write a song. Becky sang it last year and they put it on youtube getting a ton of hits. Check out her website at

Beckeys father says " Hopefully Spencer's observation and our song will cause people to reflect on the love of Jesus, and the certainty that one day we will all stand in line to see Jesus.”

I challenge everyone to remember today and the rest of the year to reflect on that love Jesus has for us and we should have for him and let that guide our actions the rest of this 2011 year!

Best Idea Ever!!

Want to do something really strange, fun and simple??  Get a refrigerator, tv  or a large box from Costcos. If you ask nicely they will gladly give you a box. Then make it look like a car. Deck it out and make it the best looking car you have seen, your dream car.Then walk through to the drive-thru at McDonald's...see if they take your order....because apparently they can't take orders from people who don't have a car....if it works email us!!! take pictures!!! i think it would be so funny and an absolutely unforgettable date.

Here are 2 examples of cars you can try. A really cool and simple car. Here's your chance to have any kinda car you want.

Really cool Car
Simplified Car
This activity/date ranks eight out of ten on the hilarity scale.

Don't get too crazy in your new car, always remember to drive safe!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

People of Wal-Mart Bingo Date

Bingo is a great ice breaker for a first date or any date because it’s so easy to customize for your particular group and situation, and everyone knows how to play it.

For this Bingo start by given everyone a copy of a blank Bingo card and then make a list of outrageous things or people on the bingo card ( such as find someone with a mullet, scrunchy, spandex, etc) Remember to be nice :)

Give them a set amount of time (10-15 minutes) to walk around Wal-Mart trying to find people sporting the items on your cards. To win you must have the squares marked off in the pattern you decided for the group. (Ex. 5 in a row, blackout, in square formation, etc)

loser (sorry that's a not nice word) the not winner has to buy ice cream.

Feel free to print our suggested bingo or our blank bingo card.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Fun Date/Party Game

This game is called bagock (as in the sound a chicken makes. the lame name for this game is the question game)

How to Play:

(the bigger the group the funner this is)

make sure everyone can see each others eyes

then someone starts asking cant repeat the same question one right after the other...but then it's boring.(my best question was "can I lick your toe?") the whole point of this game is to keep the questions going. if you accidentally answer the question or can't think of one or laugh; you have to run around the circle of people flapping your arms like a chicken and say 'bagock!' this is such a fun game...we played it for hours on end.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

After the Rain Date

After it rains go on a date and be little kids again.....meaning...JUMPING,DANCING, SINGING IN MUD PUDDLES!!!!!!!

this is so much fun to do!!! just don't wear nice clothing...because that would stink so bad. then after you finish jumping in puddles you can go get dinner or hot cocoa...or you could do the meal then the know just whatever floats your boat.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Will you go to the dance with me??

Well as we all know Winter Formal is coming up! Need help thinking of cheap inexpensive but creative ways to ask or answer your date? Check these out!

  • Get a toilet plunger (unused of course) and fill it with almond joys, then have a note attached to it that says "I would OVERFLOW with JOY if you would go to the dance with me!"
  • Make a nose out of clay and say "nobody 'nose' how bad I want you to 'pick' me for the dance". and then fill the nostrils with peanut butter or some other gross sticky substance and put your answer in one of the nostrils
  • If you have a cooperative teacher, ask them to do a class activity. Find out about your potential date and make a list of of questions. The teacher should have all the students stand up at the beginning of the game The questions should narrow out the askee: e.i. Sit down if you are a boy; remain standing if you were born in the summer; sit down if you have a dog; etc. When she's the only one standing, have the teacher give her your message.
  • Go to the store and buy a puzzle (not too big) and put it together and on the back you write the big question and take the puzzle apart then put it back in the box and take it to them to put together.
  • you tie banana's to a tree and attach a note saying i'd go banana's if you would go to the dance with me.
  • Take a helium filled balloon (possibly his/her fav. color) take a ton of dental floss.and note cards make the string for the balloon EXTRA long (to make it fun) every other foot of string tie a note card saying one word at a time and tie the end of the string to a bear, his/her door knob, his/her car or pretty much anything and then ding dong ditch him/her and when he/she sees it he/she will have to pull the string down to get the balloon and every now and then he/she will slowly get the cards.
  • Get a bunch of balloons, and then type up what you want to ask on paper. Cut each word individually and place it in a balloon then blow them up and while your date is gone go to their house and put them in their room and leave. Then the person who is getting asked has to put the sentence back together.
  •  Fill a bucket full of mud and put the question somewhere inside make them find it.
  • Give the askee an untampered-with bag of flour with a note that says "Look in the flour." The next day, after he/she has searched the bag of flour with no luck, give him/her a rose (or other kind of flower) with a rolled up note in the middle: "Oops! Wrong flower! Will you go out with me anyway?"
  • trash his front porch with a sign in the middle saying Winter formal? with (your name)
  • get a pizza and write on the front of the box "i know this is cheesey but winter formal" and on the inside write with your name
  • Get a whole bunch of blue balloons and fill their room with them, then leave a huge poster that says, "will you go to the ________ with me? If you will, then pop a blue balloon and send it to me. If you won't, then pop a yellow balloon and send it to me." Make sure you don't leave any yellow ones for them.
  • Cover his/her room with circles of construction paper and hershey kisses. Leave a note that says, "Now that I've SPOTTED you and KISSED the ground you walk on, will you go to the _______ with me?"
  • Kidnap a personal item (like a teddy bear or shoes) and leave a ransom note made from cut up newspapers & magazines saying: "Your [whatever] has been kidnapped. If you ever wish to see it again, go to [dance/date] with me or leave $2,500,000,000.00 in small bills [in a designated area]."
  • If it is snowy out, write you message in the snow, and sign your name to it. Call and have them look outside.Or if they have a big yard and its not snowing write the message in their grass with a lawn mower.
Creative ways to answer:

  • Unwrap one tootsie roll and put your answer in it. Wrap it back up, and give the person a big bagof tootsie rolls in their pillowcase or thrown around in their room.
  • Get a small cake pan and fill it with water write your answer on a piece of paper and laminate it, and when the water is partly frozen, put the answer in the middle. When it is frozen, frost it so it looks like a cake, they will try to eat it but they will get a suprise and will have to wait for it to melt
  • Shred 3 garbage bags full of newspaper (or maybe less). Take out one shredded piece of newspaper and write your answer on it then go to their house and cover their bedroom with all the newspaper.
  • Answer them by putting cute out paper hearts all over their house and tell them that their house had a heart attack. One of the hearts might have an answer on the back and the person would have to find it!

    Funny Christmas Story!

    Grandpa decided that shopping for Christmas presents had become too difficult. All his grandchildren had everything they needed, so he decided to send them each a cheque (check).
    On each card he wrote:
    'Happy Christmas Grandpa'
    P.S. 'Buy your own present!'
    Conclusion:Now, while Grandpa enjoyed the family festivities, he thought that his grandchildren were just slightly distant. It preyed on his mind into the New Year. Then one day he was sorting out his study and under a pile of magazines, he found a little pile of cheques (checks) for his grandchildren. He had completely forgotten to put them in with the Christmas cards.

    Grandparents are so Great!!!

    Monday, November 28, 2011

    Dinner at the Park (or in Your Backyard)

    This is a fun date and not very expensive. Have dinner at the park or in the backyard. Not just any dinner though... a fancy dinner, just for a change of scenery. You can ask your parents to help with the preparing of the food. When we did this for Sadie Hawkins/Morp our moms did the cooking, and decorating...
    and cleaning up.
    It doesn't have to be expensive.

    • Dinner: have spaghetti and apple cider.

    • Just make sure you start eating before it gets dark or make sure to have lighting of some kind.

    • If its mosquito season....wear bug spray

    • Decorate... have a theme and go with it. Setting the tone makes a big difference. Include tablecloths, candles, flowers, or a fun centerpiece.

    • You could even have your younger siblings dress up as waiters and serve dinner.

    Be unique and have fun!

    Saturday, November 26, 2011

    this is just some cute stuff to learn from Disney....My favorite!!!! i love Disney movies to death!!

    Wednesday, November 23, 2011

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Laugh for no Reason

    Reasons why it is important to laugh.

    It is easier to smile than frown because it only takes 13 muscles to smile and it takes 47 muscles to frown…so you could actually have fewer wrinkles by smiling.

    Fifteen minutes of laughter equals the benefit of 2 hours of sleep…so when you are tired, laugh, and you will be refreshed.

    One good belly laugh can burn off 2 calories.

    Laughing for 15 seconds adds 2 days to your life span…so laughing for 45 minutes will add one year to your life!

    Make it a great day and make someone laugh!

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    Just dog-on FUNNY!!

    Parental Advice:

    Dear Parents:
    Read ALL labels on the food you are purchasing

    How many times do you get your parent telling you that while she was standing in the check out line she saw in the snacks a new type of yummy looking brownies with this cute little dog logo on it. Buys them, eats them, wonders why they are kinda bitter, but was so desperate for chocolate, eats them ALL.  The power of suggestion(that they are chocolate brownies) fulfills that chocolate craving.

    Then only a few days later while waiting in the check out line again notices those nasty brownies are actually DOG BROWNIES!! Yes DOG BROWNIES!! EWWW my mom ate DOG BROWNIES. HAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA. This is too funny. She is praying nobody saw her rip into those brownies like a chocolate crazed  lunatic.

    Moms advice : "Read all the package and don't eat dog brownies cause they are yucky and you might feel kinda like a dummy"

    Advice to Walmart:    Don't place doggie treats in  the checkout aisle, on the same snack shelf as the candy and other snacks.


    There everywhere! And soooooo cute here are some cute and fun ways to ware them!

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    Boho Bag Tutorial

    The fireflies are so loving the boho bags. We see many celebraties such as Miley Cyrus and  she who must not want to be seen are sporting themThey are so unique and are great for school


    -3/4 yd material
    -matching thread
    -Rotary/mat or scissors

    * all seams are done with a 1/4" seam

    Cut 2 squares 16" x 16" for the big sides

    #2 Cut 3 pieces 16" x 8" for the bottom and smaller sides

    #3. Cut a piece 35" x 4" on the fold for the strap.

    You should have pieces that look like this

    #4. Match the small side and the large side with right sides together and sew a 1/4" stitch.

    #5. Repeat step 4 on the other side

    You should now have 1 long piece. 1 large side with 2 small sides attached at both ends.

    #6. Iron seam down. This helps it lay nice.

    #7. Now sew the 2nd larger side on to one of the small sides, to make an even larger piece.

    #8. Next take and fold the long piece in half, match the sides and sew up.

    You should now have something that looks like this

    #9. Now take your last smaller piece of the 3 small pieces and pin to bottom half of bag.

    Your bottom should look like the above picture.

    #10. At the top of your bag fold a 1/4" seam allowance and iron

    #11. Strap- Take strap piece and fold in half with right sides together. Sew a 1/4" seam.

    #12. Turn inside out

    #13. Now find the center of the small side and the middle of the strap. Line centers up and pin. Sew strap to bag.

    #14. Fold ironed fold with strap down and make a nice finished hem and reinforce strap


    Now decorate them with what ever embelishments you desire!