Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Will you go to the dance with me??

Well as we all know Winter Formal is coming up! Need help thinking of cheap inexpensive but creative ways to ask or answer your date? Check these out!

  • Get a toilet plunger (unused of course) and fill it with almond joys, then have a note attached to it that says "I would OVERFLOW with JOY if you would go to the dance with me!"
  • Make a nose out of clay and say "nobody 'nose' how bad I want you to 'pick' me for the dance". and then fill the nostrils with peanut butter or some other gross sticky substance and put your answer in one of the nostrils
  • If you have a cooperative teacher, ask them to do a class activity. Find out about your potential date and make a list of of questions. The teacher should have all the students stand up at the beginning of the game The questions should narrow out the askee: e.i. Sit down if you are a boy; remain standing if you were born in the summer; sit down if you have a dog; etc. When she's the only one standing, have the teacher give her your message.
  • Go to the store and buy a puzzle (not too big) and put it together and on the back you write the big question and take the puzzle apart then put it back in the box and take it to them to put together.
  • you tie banana's to a tree and attach a note saying i'd go banana's if you would go to the dance with me.
  • Take a helium filled balloon (possibly his/her fav. color) take a ton of dental floss.and note cards make the string for the balloon EXTRA long (to make it fun) every other foot of string tie a note card saying one word at a time and tie the end of the string to a bear, his/her door knob, his/her car or pretty much anything and then ding dong ditch him/her and when he/she sees it he/she will have to pull the string down to get the balloon and every now and then he/she will slowly get the cards.
  • Get a bunch of balloons, and then type up what you want to ask on paper. Cut each word individually and place it in a balloon then blow them up and while your date is gone go to their house and put them in their room and leave. Then the person who is getting asked has to put the sentence back together.
  •  Fill a bucket full of mud and put the question somewhere inside make them find it.
  • Give the askee an untampered-with bag of flour with a note that says "Look in the flour." The next day, after he/she has searched the bag of flour with no luck, give him/her a rose (or other kind of flower) with a rolled up note in the middle: "Oops! Wrong flower! Will you go out with me anyway?"
  • trash his front porch with a sign in the middle saying Winter formal? with (your name)
  • get a pizza and write on the front of the box "i know this is cheesey but winter formal" and on the inside write with your name
  • Get a whole bunch of blue balloons and fill their room with them, then leave a huge poster that says, "will you go to the ________ with me? If you will, then pop a blue balloon and send it to me. If you won't, then pop a yellow balloon and send it to me." Make sure you don't leave any yellow ones for them.
  • Cover his/her room with circles of construction paper and hershey kisses. Leave a note that says, "Now that I've SPOTTED you and KISSED the ground you walk on, will you go to the _______ with me?"
  • Kidnap a personal item (like a teddy bear or shoes) and leave a ransom note made from cut up newspapers & magazines saying: "Your [whatever] has been kidnapped. If you ever wish to see it again, go to [dance/date] with me or leave $2,500,000,000.00 in small bills [in a designated area]."
  • If it is snowy out, write you message in the snow, and sign your name to it. Call and have them look outside.Or if they have a big yard and its not snowing write the message in their grass with a lawn mower.
Creative ways to answer:

  • Unwrap one tootsie roll and put your answer in it. Wrap it back up, and give the person a big bagof tootsie rolls in their pillowcase or thrown around in their room.
  • Get a small cake pan and fill it with water write your answer on a piece of paper and laminate it, and when the water is partly frozen, put the answer in the middle. When it is frozen, frost it so it looks like a cake, they will try to eat it but they will get a suprise and will have to wait for it to melt
  • Shred 3 garbage bags full of newspaper (or maybe less). Take out one shredded piece of newspaper and write your answer on it then go to their house and cover their bedroom with all the newspaper.
  • Answer them by putting cute out paper hearts all over their house and tell them that their house had a heart attack. One of the hearts might have an answer on the back and the person would have to find it!

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