Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How To: Make a Mustache Pillow

So this past few weeks i've been dying for a mustache pillow! they are SO adorable but super expensive! So i decided to make my own and show you how i did it for super cheap and super easy:}D (haha can you tell thats a mustache smiley?)

You will need:

2 pillow cases (i got mine at walmart for about $2.5o each)

cut out of half a mustache the size of your choice.

Either free hand your mustache. I taped 2 pieces of copy paper together then drew half of mustache to desired size. I recommend doing this. It's way easier than the next option. Take a try at don't have to be a artist to sketch this. Then you have your guide.

If you don't feel comfortable free handing it you can google mustache templates and take your pick, print it, blow it up to the size you want.

Fabric paint or if you dont have any than you can use the any paint color you want and mix it in with some textile medium. I used some black acrylic paint and mixed it with the Medium.

Then trace the outline of your mustache onto your pillow

Now go ahead and paint your pillow!:D

And there you go! Your very own cute mustache pillow!

Hope you like it!

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