Friday, February 10, 2012

Please Drive Safely (WARNING! Graphic images)

Hello my fireflies and frenchfries friends! We will be posting the mustache pillow tutorial here very soon, sorry we haven't yet the computer is being very ridiculous:/

Anyways, watch this video! It is very graphic so if you get queasy or very easily sick you might not want to, but this video has inspired me to never text and drive, i turn my phone on silent while im driving most times or i'll keep it away from me so i won't get tempted to get distracted. Driving can be very dangerous so you NEED to stay focused on the road. Not only are you driving for yourself but you are having to watch out for others driving as well. Accidents can happen at anytime at anyplace, nobody is invisible on the road, i know that we all think we are or that that won't happen to us but we really aren't invisible and it CAN happen to us. I urge you to please keep both hands on the wheel, eyes on the road,not on the sexy dude or dudette or other interesting distraction and be aware of whats going on around you, don't get upset while your driving if you need to talk to someone or turn around to fix something in the backseat pull over. Please help keep the road safe nobody wants to die and you don't want to be the reason why someone ends up dieing! Lets make driving as safe as possible.

Drive Safe!

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