Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Build your Confidence

According to the Dove self esteem campaign almost three-quarters of girls admit to feeling pressure to be beautiful, and it can hold us back from realizing our full potential and can hinder our confidence level.

Confidence in our selves don't just come from when our moms or friends say "Your beautiful just for being you" or "you can do it, just be confident"? However to a person who doesn't feel confident or beautiful this advice is absolutely ridiculous. Here is some advice to try to help improve your level of confidence.

1.When you wake up go to the bathroom, smile in the mirror and compliment yourself. This helps start out your day in a good way. Once you feel good about yourself nothing else can make you feel insecure.

2.Be a front seater- Most people sit in back because they are a fraid of being noticed. Sit in the front so you can get over this fear.

3.Make eye contact-it's kinda creepy and its often intimidating but helps

4.Gratitude- Set aside time each day to make a mental list of everything you have to be greatful for.

5. Good Posture- The way a person carries themselves tells how that person feels. Walk a little faster- people who show superior confidence walk faster.

6. Practice speaking up-people tend not to speak up because they are afraid of people judging them. Generally people are more accepting and they deal with that very fear also. Make an effort to speak up at least once in discussions.

7.Compliment others- Praise others and refuse to engage in backstabbing gossip in the process you will become well liked and build confidence in others and yourself. By looking for the best in others, you bring out the best in yourself.

8. SMILE BIG!!! :D

9. Don't bash on your body. We all have done it and it needs to stop. It drags down our mood when we focus on our problem areas.

10. And i know what you wear isn't exactly important but it does normally effect our mood. Always wear something that makes you feel good, not what you think your crush or somebody will think is cute, but what you feel happy, strong and beautiful in!

11. Also eat right and excersise!

I love what Daniel Maher says

Confidence is Courage with Ease.

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