Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Smart Goals

2011 is finally over and we're starting a brand new year!   A lot of people start out the New Year setting goals for themselves. When setting goals you have to be SMART about it. Poorly written goals use words like:

  • Try
  • could
  • should
  • might
  • hope
  • attempt
  • maybe
  • Soon
  • in a few months
  • by the end of the year
To write your goals you can use S.M.A.R.T as a guideline.This standing for:

  • S-Specific
  • M-Measurable
  • A-Attainable
  • R-Realistic
  • T- Time bound
The first term means you have to make your goal clear tells you what is EXACTLY is expected, why its important, who is involved, where its going to happen and which attributes are important.
Specific goals will usually answer the 6 'W' questions:

  • Who-Who is involved?
  • What-What do you want to accomplish?
  • Where-Identify a location
  • When-Make a time frame
  • Which-Identify requirements
  • Why-spefici reasons or benefits of accomplishing a goal
Not specific would be like:
I want to get grades.
I will get in shape.

A specific goal could be:
I want to get a 90% in Math by 2nd Quarter.
I will Join a health club this month and workout 3 days a week.

This is second term establishes concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of your goal.(No you do not need a ruler for this) :)  If your goal is not measurable then it is not possible to tell if you are making progress toward successful completion. Measuring your progress is supposed to help you stay on track, reach target dates, and get achievment.
A measurable goal will normaly answer these questions:

  • How much?
  • How many?
  • How do you know you've completed it?

When you identify goals that are most important to you, you find ways to make them come true. You develop the attitudes, abilities and skills to help you become closer to that goal. You start seeing more opportunities to acheive them. You can obtain any goal if you have a plan. A goal without a plan is just a wish. What are you going to do about it? WHat is your plan? Without a plan you goal will stay a wish. If you want to attain your goals write them down somewhere so you can see them everyday such as your bathroom mirror or on the fridge.

Your goals need to be realistic nothing like "i want to lift 80lbs in one day" when you can barely lift 20lbs. Thats like saying "I want a fairy Godmother to clean my room." To be realistic you have to find goals that you are willing and able to achieve, but a goal can be high and realistic.

Time Bound
You need to set a date to have your goal done by otherwise you may procastinate and put it off. Someday won't work, but if you put in a date like July 2nd then you've set your unconscious mind in motion making you work for that goal.

To achieve your goals you also need to Desire them. How do we put our hope into action?

  • Desire SMART goals
  • Are your goals righteous? ( acting in an upright moral way or virteous)
  • Commitment (when you commit you will eliminate most problems)
  • Spend you energy and time doing it (Practice self discipline, write down bad habits and stop them)
  • Faith

Also remember when setting goals don't try to set goals that aren't you to be like everybody else.

Be the 1st rate version of yourself not a 2nd rate of somebody else.

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